This Guy Walks Through the Raindrops
1.) Ok then. If you haven’t watched the clip of Chris Klein from the movie: “The Legend of Chun Li” you need to go do so right now and then come back. It is, without a doubt, the BEST acting clip I’ve seen since those ladies in the Wicker Man poured bee’s into Nic Cage’s eyes, or since Nic Cage punched one of those ladies in a bear suit (for reference, check out the Wicker Man clips posted on Youtube).
My favorite lines are: “You don’t want a ticket to this dance detective.”
“Yeah last supper. And he serves them, they’re own heads.”
“I’ve tracked him on 11 major cities on 4 continents and never come close, not once. (pause. sigh) This guy walks through the raindrops.”
2.) So, did I even ever talk about Kentucky winning the national championship yet? If not, let me just go into a few bars of the song made famous in the first floor of Founders dormitory back in Sophomore year:
Yea for Kentucky!
The place where I was born!
(and then I can’t remember any of the words after that)
But yeah. YEA FOR KENTUCKY! Good stuff.
3.) Saw 21 Jump Street a few weeks ago and man, that movie is pretty funny. Channing Tatum (aka John Cena’s clone) pretty much steals the whole show. The only part I didn’t like was James Franco’s brother playing the drug kingpin of the school, just because he seemed like a tool.
I also highly recommend seeing “Goon” with Sean William Scott (aka Stifler). Scott turns in a great performance as the lead goon on a hockey team, assigned to protect their star player. It is NOT better than Slapshot (for my money the best sports movie ever made), but it is really, really good.
4.) Oh man, the Sixers are falling apart, and you know whose fault it is? Everybody from Doug Collins to Luscious Sweets. I think the problem is that the team is full of egotistical players who really have no reason to be egotistical. They are all so incredibly average, and they all think that they are superstars.
So when you have a bunch of egos mixed with a coach who is a prick and won’t cater to those egos, it’s going to end in disaster. They will not make the playoffs, that much is clear. And quite honestly, they need to clean house, from Collins on down. Nobody is irreplaceable. Except for Luscious Sweets of course.
By the way, this was written before they won two in a row. Now that they have? My opinion hasn’t changed. They beat crappy teams and will still make a first round playoff exit. But I will be cheering for them the whole way! Hooray mediocrity!
5.) Big Neil came THIS close to jumping off the Phillies Bandwagon this week, but I’m assuming after they beat the Marlins last night and took the series, he is reconsidering.
I will say this, Freddy Galvis is crazy good at second base. He made a play last night, robbing the Marlins pitcher of a base hit and probably an RBI, that was just incredible. Freddy is only 22. Let’s give the kid a chance, eh?
6.) Congrats to Bubba Watson! Unforuntately, watching him close out the Masters was one of the most akward things ever as he looked like an absolute SERIAL KILLER stalking down the fairway. Seriously, the guy looked like he was about to snap and stab the closest person. He was the definition of CRAZY EYES. I was frightened for the ball, I was frightened for the other golfers…I was just frightened.
7.) My friend gave me a tip about this band on Saturday night. The only problem was that I thought he said the name of the band was “Colts” which led me to an itunes search that ended with me finding this guy’s “Colts” NFL team tribute album.
The name of the album is “Colts and Pacers” and it includes gems like: “Peyton Manning” “Tony Dungy” and “Dallas Clark.” Here are the lyrics from the song “Peyton Manning”
‘People used to say that he was a choker, in big games he lacked heart and soul. But he shut up all of his detractors when he led the Colts to a Super Bowl!
Hey, hey Peyton Man-ning, Peyton, Peyton, Peyton, Man-ning…
You get the idea. I think for every song, the chorus is just the person’s name repeated over and over and over again. All of this is done with great sounding Midi-effects and it is just a delightful record. Check it out.
Oh and the band Big B was trying to tell me about is called “Cults.” They are also good (in a non ironic way)
8.) Look, this has got to be pointed out: the fat character in “Song of Ice and Fire” (Game of Thrones) is pretty much a COMPLETE rip off of the character from the Lord of the Rings, right? They are both named “Sam” and they are both fat and they are both the best friends of main characters. In fact, in Lord of the Rings his name is “Samwise” and in Game of Thrones it’s “Samwell” WTF Mate?
Can we just get rid of the annoying fat friend altogether? They always cause trouble. If I were Jon Snow, I’d be like “Just leave Gily, Sam! She’s a daughter/wife, you don’t wanna get in the middle of that drama!”
And can somebody pleae explain to Jon that Craster kills his sons, Cronos style? Well I guess he doesn’t eat them, like Cronos, but you get the idea. I don’t think it should be that hard to figure out why Craster has all daughters and no sons. When Jon says, “What does he do to the sons?” I wanted somebody to slap him. Jon Snow, you know nothing.
9.) Oh, and George also stole Tolkien’s initials: George R.R. Martin and J. R. R. Tolkien. Is nothing sacred anymore? And if we want to debate which is better: Game of Thrones beats Lord of the Rings everytime.
10.) Daniel Bryan is the best thing about WWE right now. His catch phrase: “YES! YES! YES! YES!” is hilarious, and when the crowd chants it, I laugh everytime. Now the crowd two Monday’s ago was chanting “Yes!” everytime a good guy did something and “No!” everytime a bad guy did something. They even chanted “Si!” For Alberto del Rio, which was funny in a clever/politically incorrect kinda way.
That’s all I got for today! Until next time….
Sixers are making the playoffs! Check out ‘Balls Out’ if anyone is trying to see a Sean William Scott sports gem like Goon.
Chris Klein? He’s no Jason Statham, and you know it Headrush.