Random Thoughts (parenthesis edition)
1.) That dashing fellow over there is the real King James. Or at least, that’s what Google image search told me, I didn’t actually look it up to confirm. I digress…
Nothing is more annoying right now than the quazi pity party that people are throwing for Lebron James. They are saying shit like, “The media is scrutinizing his EVERY MOVE!” Steve Kerr even said, “I feel bad for the guy.”
Yeah. I feel bad for the guy too. Cause he is pooping the bed night in and night out in the most important games of his life. Bbbbbbbut he had a triple double. He has been getting assists and rebounds all series!
Yes, because when we think of Lebron, we think of great passing, rebounding and defense. That sounds like Andre Iguodala to me. King Iguodala to you!
Fact of the matter is, Lebron shot two free throws last night. TWO! Attack the rim dagnabbit!
But lets not forget one important key element here: Lebron brought this on himself. He calls himself King James (nut-uh, da media does), he had that whole taking my talents to south beach thing, he is by all accounts, a douche bag extraordinaire. We hate him because when it comes to athleticism, he is everything that we’re not. But it seems that when it comes to the will and want to win, we all seem to grasp the situation better than he does.
I seem to want a JV soccer win when I am coaching more than Lebron wants an NBA championship. Sure this is pure conjecture, but I’ve seen his post game interviews and I have seen him sleepwalk through the three biggest games of his life looking like he doesn’t give a shit.
But back to my original point: Come on, media! This man deserves every flipping thing that is coming his way. He asked for all this hoopla about himself and then he hasn’t done shit on the biggest stage of his career. So F him. We are this close to ruining this man’s life, and you want to back out and get a conscience now? Grow a pair. I wanna see this sucker have a complete and total mental break down. We’ve worked too hard for his demise to feel sorry for him now! When this is all said and done, I want Bron Bron to be locked in some hotel room, tissue boxes for shoes with a stringy beard repeating over and over again: come in with da milk….come in with da milk….come in with da milk….wave of the future…..wave of the future….wave of the future….
(In the case of full disclosure, I am still standing by the Heat. I think they win it in 7.)
2.) Can we talk about this Rashard Lewis rumor for one second? Rumor has it that Lebron has been playing bad because Lewis slept with his old lady. No, not his mom (like what happened last year), but his girlfriend or wife or whatever. I told Randy about this and here is his response: “no way a girls so stupid she bangs out a two bit Wizards player when she already has the most paid man in the nba.”
What Randy forgot is that Lewis is playing with a $118 million dollar contract. James got like $110 million from the Heat. Sure the endorsements give James A HUGE monetary advantage, but if “Savannah” (never trust a girl with a name like Savannah) did cheat with Lewis, it’s not like the dude’s broke or anything. PLUS he kinda looks like T.I. and women freaking love T.I. (Oddly, in that picture they kinda don’t look alike…but in my mind they do!)
3.) I know I talk about Friday Night Lights a lot on here, and that won’t be stopping anytime soon. I just watched 4 episodes from season 5 and holy crap are they good. Can someone please get Kyle Chandler an emmy? At least he is starring in Super 8…
4.) Speaking of which, every review for that movie has said (I’m paraphrasing here): The first part of Super 8 is awesome, the second part kinda drags and is a let down, I give it…Three and a half stars! Really? I thought a whole movie had to be good for it to get three and a half stars. I guess that’s what its come to in tinsel town.
5.) One of the most satisfying feelings in the world is sitting out back, soaking in the humidity and drinking and ice cold Yuengling after just cutting the grass. You get to see all the hard (not very hard?) work you just put in pay off and you get a little drunk. Good. Stuff.
Until next time…
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