Emergency Te’o Post

Ok, if you have been living under a rock, you probably haven’t heard about this Manti Te’o business. So allow me to give you the cliff notes version: Te’o had a girlfriend. He says that the locked eyes at a Stanford game in 2009, that she was a Stanford student and that they fell in love. Cut to 2012 when the girlfriend supposedly comes down with leukemia and tragically passes away on the same day as Te’o’s grandmother (who did, it should be noted, really pass away, which is legitimately sad). All sorts of news media picks up on…

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Delaware Park Parlay Card Part Trois

1.) Aren’t we all lucky to have the regular refs back in our lives?  They did not miss a single call last weekend and I for one am glad that they did not stay locked out for longer.  Yeeeesh. Of course that is sarcasm, and even though I thought that the replacement refs were terrible, it turns out that the regular refs are just as terrible. It was, however, very nice to see the Broncos get screwed over on a ‘Tuck Rule’ non call. So that made me happy. It was those same Broncos, mind you, that kept me…

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Delaware Park Parlay Card Part Deux

Alright, alright, alright.  After nailing last week’s DE Park Parlay card, I thought that I would try it again. But we’ll get to that later, first, I have some thoughts. 1.) Ray Lewis is a tool. And by that I mean he is perhaps the biggest tool I have ever witnessed. I genuinely despise him and all of his dancing. And how in the world can anyone take him serious when he is wearing those black ballet pants dancing to Nelly’s ‘It’s Hot in Here?’  Really?  Hot in here? That’s the song that’s gonna get you pumped up to…

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Delaware Park Parlay Special

Alrighty, it is now time for the NFL Playoffs or as us Raiders fans like to call it, the offseason! Delaware Park has these Playoff Parlay cards where you have to pick three steps right in order to get paid 3 for 1. Now, I don’t really like to gamble, and I’m not really good about picking NFL games but since this is a “sports blog” I thought I better try it out before the season ends. Anyway, here we go. Step One: Select Point Spread Game I am going to take the Seahawks -3.5 over the Redskins. Why?…

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Johnson, Burress, Moss, and Owens: A Year In Review

2012 was set to be the year of the over-the-hill receiver. This year in football has been an interesting one to say the least. A majority of the teams that were expecting to shine absolutely flopped, and teams like the Seahawks, Colts, Redskins, and Vikings are headed to the playoffs. Go figure. One of my favorite sub-stories for the year was the return of 4 seemingly over-the-hill receivers to football. Chad Johnson, Plaxico Burress, Randy Moss, and Terrell Owens all had jobs, or were looking for jobs, at the start of the 2012-13 NFL season. I was planning on…

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76ers Fans Want Their Big Macs

It’s no secret that the 76ers partnered a promotion with McDonald’s that if they score more than a 100 points, Big Macs are free the next day to all ticket holders. Well, last night in their victory over the Hawks, the Sixers led 99-80 with roughly 24 seconds to go, allowing them to run the clock out. The fans were pretty angry with the decision, even if it was the right one. They started to boo the 76ers as Evan Turner held the ball and time expired. Turner even expressed some concern while he was dribbling the clock out,…

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Michael Vick, DeSean Jackson, T.I., and Meek Mill Rap Battle

I wish I could make this up. On December 19th, several Philadelphia celebrities including DeSean Jackson, Michael Vick, and Meek Mill gathered for T.I.’s album release party. Apparently, DeSean Jackson starting promoting his record label and amateur rapper, which prompted Meek Mill to challenge him to a rap battle with his amateur rapper. With $10k on the line, the two… umm… MC’s battled, judged by T.I., Michael Vick, and two other guys. Even Michael Vick ended up voting for the other MC, opposing DeSean Jackson. Guess those guys are going to be on different teams next year anyways. Go…

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