All Posts Tagged Liam Neeson

Reverse Jinx FAIL

1.) If you didn’t already figure it out, I was hoping that yesterday’s post would prove to be enough of a reverse jinx to prevent the Heat from winning the title (sort of like what happened to the Wolfman in fantasy football). But alas, that was not the case. Lebron proved to much for the Thunder, and the geek finally got his championship. Drats. Once again, we must be reminded of the harsh lesson learned from the soused mind of Don Draper: “The universe is indifferent.” Indeed. 2.) I skimmed Bill Simmons column yesterday and in it he left this…

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Liam Neeson: A Wolf Would Destroy You

1.) I know that I am probably going to get destroyed for saying this, but I’m getting a little sick of Liam Neeson’s attempt at being an action star.  You know why?  Cause the guy looks out of shape!  In fact, I bet Liam Neeson couldn’t even finish a 5K. After that movie, Taken, I’ve heard people say things like, “Liam Neeson is BADASS!”  To that I say, “No…no he isn’t.” In this new movie, The Grey, Neeson has to take out a pack of angry wolves.  I’m sure that Neeson will win in the movie, but do you…

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