All Posts Tagged superbowl picks

NFL Picks!

There was a magical time not too long ago when Adam and Randy lived together. Aside from tiny squabbles about who needed to clean the wretched bathroom, our home was a perfect “man-cave” for sports, sports discussion, and the occasional playing of Golden Eye on N64. Part of the reason this blog exists is due to the fact that we constantly disagreed on our predictions for the upcoming NFL season. So, one year, we decided to get a pen and paper, write down our predictions, and post it up on the fridge for the entire season. Who won that…

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It’s that time of year! The culmination of all our hopes and dreams placed into one 4 hour long commercial, with bits and pieces of football sprinkled in. Since we’d like to rig the contest here to make it more exciting, it’s match play bitches, meaning Adam, Brendan, and I are tied like some Nike Air Jordan shoelaces. It comes down to this one game, one selection, to determine who in-fact has ungodly like football prediction qualities. I wager it to be me. So the challenge this time was to not only select the team with the spread, but…

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