All Posts Tagged kyle orton

The Fantasy Gods Have Smiled & Football Picks

Mercy. It’s been a wild week. Between Adam’s wedding, reception, rehearsal dinner, and football, I’ve had barely any time to stay sober. Sobriety is a man’s best time to collect his thoughts and assess sports, although a drunken stupor is certainly the best time to enjoy them. Adam’s wedding was awesome. Aside from DJ “Tommy T” being an absolute waste of life, the wedding went off without a hitch. The reception came with 4 different kinds of pasta! That’s like a Young Jeezy rap lyric or something, isn’t it? Every 80’s cliche song was played, and I lost my…

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The Wild Wild West Football Jamboree

Football is back!  The lock-out is over.  The entire off-season free agency saga will be shoved into a few small weeks and teams are scrambling like never before. Players are getting cut.  Free-agents are getting signed.  It’s gotta be pretty tough for players who sat through the entire lock-out, supporting their teams, their teammates, enduring their “harsh” summer, only to find out the day an agreement is made for football to resume that they’ve been cut and no longer have a job.  There’s a huge list of players out of a job now and their time frame to get…

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