All Posts Tagged baseball

2010 Baseball PostSeason Predictions!!

That time of year is almost here!  October baseball!  Getting drunk almost every day, spending a crap ton of money, eating horrific food, and losing your voice from yelling at a television…. all the good things in store that literally destroy your body in a one month span.  Yes I’m aware that wasn’t a sentence, but fuck it! It’s October baseball!! Here’s the picks for the play-offs. In the American League: The Minnesota Twins, Texas Rangers, Tampa Bay Rays, and New York Yankees.  The Yankees and Rays are still just trying to figure out who’s gonna be the wild-card,…

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The Dumbest Trial in the History of History…

Rogers Clemens entered federal court yesterday to defend the charges against him of lying under oath to congress.  A few years ago, Clemens sat at a congressional hearing and repeatedly said he did not taking performance enhancing drugs, despite several of his colleagues in the same investigation admitting to the wrong doing, and naming Clemens as someone who had taken them as well.  Clemens is fighting this obvious guilt so much, he’s decided to take it to court and turn this into huge circus.  Now I don’t really believe the government should have ANY business in sports, and certainly…

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