Goodbye Facebook

So, after thinking about it for a month now, I finally made the step and deleted my facebook account. I can’t really say what the final “straw” was that made me decide to rid myself of the social media monolith, but it had been getting pretty annoying as of late and last night I finally decided that it was time to move on.

The funny thing is, when you try to delete your facebook account (or at least “deactivate” it which is what I did…the first step on the road to recovery), they immediately take you to a page with a page that has a bunch of pictures of people your “friends” with and there is a dire warning that says something like, “If you deactivate your account, you won’t be able to keep in touch with all these people.”

I don’t want to sound too snarky, but it made me laugh because one of the pictures was of my wife, Stefanie. I’m pretty sure that we’ll be able to keep in touch in lieu of facebook.

So fare thee well, facebook. There were days when I got by without you and without knowing the inner workings and political beliefs and daily activities of all of my friends.  I miss those days.


  • good 4 u!!!there was life b/4 f/b…and there will be life after f/b…now delete ur cell fone…..there was life b/4 cell fones….they were just called fones….and they were in ur house…….

  • Ohhhhhhh you’ll be back. They always come back…..

  • we will never see eachother haha too funny! ill be next!

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