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Is Doug Collins On The Burner?

After last night’s incredibly pathetic loss to the Orlando Magic, Doug Collins held his usual post-game press conference but decided to be a bit more candid in his answers. Collins openly blasted several players for their lack of effort and continued to shift the blame from his lack of coaching to ambiguous factors like cohesiveness and intensity. The wheels are all but falling off of the 2012-13 76ers’ season… Your browser does not support iframes. With a press conference like that, you can’t help but feel frustrated. On one hand, it’s nice to hear Doug Collins hold players accountable…

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Let’s Rate Our Sixers!

It’s been an unbelievably brutal season for the 76ers and their fans this year. It seems like forever ago I was sitting directly behind Iguadala on opening day as the Nuggets came to town for our season opener. Those were wonderful times. There was so much promise and hope for the season. I remember seeing Andrew Bynum that night, feeling anxious and uncertain about his future here. There was a bit more excitement back then, but the uncertainty and confusion is about the exact same. Now that the All-Star break is over, things look completely different, and I’m trying…

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Big Brother for the Win

My pick for the Super Bowl is based solely on personal experience. When it comes to pick-up games of basketball, soccer, football, baseball, wall ball, knee football, sharks and minoes, freedom, sardines, lacrosse, 500, king of the hill, rumble fumble, sledding, water balloon fights, back yard wrestling, and of course, half marathons, my big brother–the wolfman–has always held sway over his younger counter part. Therefore, my Super Bowl pick reasoning goes like this: John Harbaugh is older than Jim Harbaugh. Therefore, my pick for the Super Bowl winner is: The Ravens, 24-20. Enjoy!

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Ray Lewis is Outside of your College Dining Hall

Back in college, we used to have this crazy religious guy who would show up about once a week with his faded baseball hat, his stubble and stained teeth, his coffee and bourbon breath, dressed in his dirty brown khakis and stringy overcoat. He would hang out in front of the dining hall, getting into peoples’ faces and screaming at them about God and how we were all a bunch of sinners and what not. The man was pretty much completely insane, waving around the Good Book and sullying its name with every word that he uttered. Why am…

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Emergency Te’o Post

Ok, if you have been living under a rock, you probably haven’t heard about this Manti Te’o business. So allow me to give you the cliff notes version: Te’o had a girlfriend. He says that the locked eyes at a Stanford game in 2009, that she was a Stanford student and that they fell in love. Cut to 2012 when the girlfriend supposedly comes down with leukemia and tragically passes away on the same day as Te’o’s grandmother (who did, it should be noted, really pass away, which is legitimately sad). All sorts of news media picks up on…

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Delaware Park Parlay Card Part Trois

1.) Aren’t we all lucky to have the regular refs back in our lives?  They did not miss a single call last weekend and I for one am glad that they did not stay locked out for longer.  Yeeeesh. Of course that is sarcasm, and even though I thought that the replacement refs were terrible, it turns out that the regular refs are just as terrible. It was, however, very nice to see the Broncos get screwed over on a ‘Tuck Rule’ non call. So that made me happy. It was those same Broncos, mind you, that kept me…

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Delaware Park Parlay Card Part Deux

Alright, alright, alright.  After nailing last week’s DE Park Parlay card, I thought that I would try it again. But we’ll get to that later, first, I have some thoughts. 1.) Ray Lewis is a tool. And by that I mean he is perhaps the biggest tool I have ever witnessed. I genuinely despise him and all of his dancing. And how in the world can anyone take him serious when he is wearing those black ballet pants dancing to Nelly’s ‘It’s Hot in Here?’  Really?  Hot in here? That’s the song that’s gonna get you pumped up to…

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