All Posts Tagged thor


I’ll try my best to keep this spoiler free, but in all reviews, it’s kind of tough to not give away some aspects of the movie.  So if you haven’t seen the Avengers yet, you may want to wait until reading this. I saw the Avengers on Wednesday and it certainly lived up to the hype.  But before we get into that, let me just say, if you live in the Newark area, I highly recommend going to see a movie at Newark Cinema Center 3 in the Newark Shopping Center as opposed to Regal People’s Plaza Cinema 17. …

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1.) Thor is awesome.  I saw Thor on Tuesday with Stefanie and Noah, and let me tell you what, that movie is really good. It’s the perfect three star movie.  Keeps you entertained, keeps things rolling, has good characters and a good story, has Stringer Bell as a big ass gate keeper cloaked in gold with yellow eyes. And let me tell you something else.  Thor is the first movie that I’ve ever seen in a theater where when the main guy character came into a scene shirtless, the ENTIRE theater gasped.  The girls gasped and were like: DAMN! …

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