All Posts Tagged the killing

Random Thoughts: Eat your Damn Oatmeal!

1.) I had oatmeal for breakfast this morning.  This was a mistake.  Oatmeal is not a meal.  It’s what horses eat.  Well, the oats part at least.  But hey, like the picture says, “Eat your damn Oatmeal!” Quick aside: Did anyone ever catch that SNL skit with John Goodman as Wilford Brimley?  All you need to know is that he sat on a horse and said things like this: “When I said I watch my diet, I guess I mean I watch the minivan from Buddy’s Barbecue pull up and unload about $200 worth of pork ribs onto my…

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Random Shallow Thoughts

“To me, clowns aren’t funny. In fact, they’re kinda scary. I’ve wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad” –Jack Handey     Get it, deep thoughts…shallow thoughts?  Clever Thoughts Number One: That NCAA tournament sucked.  The final four was terrible (bitter cause UK lost), UCONN are a bunch of snitchess and Kemba Walker isn’t that good. I’d rather watch back to back to back episodes of John from Cincinnati than have to look at that final match-up again. Number Two: The Phillies…

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