All Posts Tagged Full Metal Jousting

To the Pain!

1.) About a month ago, maybe more, my cousin Bryan suggested that I check out a show called “Full Metal Jousting.” Now, at the time, I was in the middle of moving into a new house and didn’t really have the time to check it out.  This week, however, I had the time and let me tell you something: Full Metal Jousting is AWESOME! The unintentional comedy runs high and the production value looks like it is through the roof. These guys don’t put on armor like you’re use to seeing in museums, they put on armor that makes…

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Moonshining Envelopes

1.) If you haven’t watched that show “Moonshiners” yet, do yourself a favor and check it out.  HILARIOUS. Here is all you need to know: It’s a show about moonshiners in Appalachia who set up hidden stills to brew moonshine and they’re named things like “Popcorn” and “Tickle.” Tickle, by the way, is almost always going to do something hysterical. And yes, it is seems like moonshine fumes and drinking mash liquor for his entire life has turned his brain to mush.  Go figure. 2.) I still haven’t watched that Full Metal Jousting show that my cousin recommended, but…

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